Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Open Doors

With a sense of relief and expectation I will survive the next four months though I may have endure many things with patience. The Lord has opened several doors.  I started my 5th year back in Sabah preaching in one church. I testified how I completed 3 1/2 years in ministry - 1 year and 3 months as church pastor and two and a half years as lecturer as there was some overlap earlier. Three and a half is a time of trial and tribulation. I have endured that with patience and I am moving on. This Saturday I will be preaching a wedding sermon something I have not done for 10 years since I resigned as Likas church pastor. Perhaps it is harbinger of things to come -  more wedding sermons to come since most likely I am moving back to pastoral ministry. Initially I was asked only to say the closing prayer.
I did not hesitate to say yes because this is one former student who was mainly responsible for publication of the College magazine when I was Acting Principal. I thought I owed it to her because it was not easy to do something new and she had to work several days and nights when deadlines were tight. In 3 months we published two editions of the Magazine praised throughout the world and funds flowed to the College as a result. When the first-invited preacher heard that I was attending the wedding he suggested to the bride to be that I should be the preacher.  I thank God that within my denomination I do have a reputation for preaching, even senior and experienced preachers said they feared and trembled when I attend to their preaching or Sunday services. But it's all by the grace of God. What have I received that is not from God? If  I can preach it is because God had so equipped me with His Word and anointed me, yea He anointed me with the oil of galdness more than my companions because I loved righteousness and hated wickedness (Psalm 45:7)

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