Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Leaders & Destiny

It is easier said than done. How many people in this life can say they have fulfilled life's destiny? Some people just retire from run of the mill job and fade into obscurity. From 2013 I have this strong sense that I can only fulfill life's destiny if I return to Sabah where I am now. I remember in 2013 at TTC chapel when I was leading worship and praying for the founding Prime Minister of Singapore in his 90th birthday on the day Sabah celebrated her union to form Malaysia on 16th September 1963. Yesterday uninvited I went up to the pulpit to lead prayers for the Malaysian PM who turned 93. For Malaysia it had begun a new dawn with the new government though helmed by the oldest democratically elected leader in the world.
For the Malaysian PM it was a second coming, just to give us Malaysians something to think about, never to lose hope that God may one day exalt us to do His work in His land. Even the Finance Minister is a testament of preseverance, twice jailed with more than 30 years in the opposition before tasting the fruits of victory. I heard him said many times before this "speaking truth to power" but now in government "power speaking the truth". But comes the hour comes the man - what a combination Malaysia has now in our PM and Finance Minister, the two most powerful posts in the country. In church we see in the book of Zechariah the governor assisted by the High Priest, a dyarchy...dual leadership symbolized by the two olive trees standing at the sides of the lampstand (menorah). Hence in church as it is in the world when righteous leaders are put in place, peace and prosperity will flow to touch many lives, especially the poor and the needy.

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