Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Middle of the Year

It's coming to the middle of the year and in less than a couple of weeks, we will enter into the 2nd half of the 2020. The second quarter that is about to pass us by is a blur as we are bound at home during the Movement Control Order. There is still no news when churches can operate as normal. But as for me, it is good to stay at home to focus on writing lecture notes, first for my SIB Bible College in Namaus and then for an online course starting in August. As both courses focus on the book of Revelation (one in Malay and one in English), it will be a topic of interest, especially now after almost 20 years of study, I am now ready to write a book or commentary on the book of Revelation.
I think a book sounds better because as for a commentary, one has to comment on every verse. I spent the last two days writing about the 7 churches and I will just focus on two of the 7 churches, just to give a sampling of what John is all about. As we move quietly into the middle of the year in the first year of the new decade, we should not underestimate the importance of the book of Revelation. I heard like John, "Do not seal up the words! for the time is near". I have already conducted 20 seminars on the End-Time since 2010, and hopefully by 2021, my teaching on end-time will be in full-force. I pray that with these two coming courses in Revelation, 2020 is at least salvaged in some way and it is not totally wasted as we have to fight against this plague of Covid-19. Despite the inability of some people to get things started going in church, I believe in the Lord's words that, "the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church for it is founded on the rock of Jesus Christ and his chosen leaders" (Matthew 16:18)

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