Sunday, February 27, 2022

Carpenter's Syndrome

We know you. We know who you are. We know your parents and your brothers. It's the Carpenter's syndrome which our Lord Jesus also suffered from, not of himself but many of his contemporaries were afflicted with this familiarity syndrome, so much so Jesus could do no miracles in Nazareth. So I also don't expect many people in Singapore and Malaysia to buy any of my books, though some who have bought them had told me how much these books have been a blessing to them. My good friend bought a box of Departure Points and paid RM 2,400 when it was first published two years ago.

He gave half the books back to me and he took only 23 copies. Two days ago he returned 10 more copies to me which means he gave away about 12 copies to his friends over 2 years. He told a few commented to him but when I pressed him what these comments were, he only shared one person's response, perhaps not wanting to offend me, he only told me the good part - "big sacrifice" was his friend's comments when he read my Departure Points. Was it? I seldom thought of my life and ministry in such a way since the Lord bore the cross, suffered and shed His blood for our salvation. As it was out of a sudden my friend returned the 10 books, so I took the opportunity to share with him that my publishers sold 24 copies of the book in 6 months. Before I told him, I asked him to guess how many copies were sold and he must again not wanting to offend me said, "10". In fact, I myself thought for the whole of last year I would be happy to sell 10 but at the end sold about 70 copies, both by my publishers and those ordered directly from me. It might be a small number in all and I joked that I still have many cartons of books and my friend could sell a few more during my funeral service. Often times only when a person has passed away, then we appreciate him more much like Jesus Christ. But I soldier on with the sale of books, now being the main source of my income. One of the most marked passages in the Bible is one passage from the Psalms "they all look to You and in due season You gave them food." Have I not trusted in You in all these years, over 35 years of adult working life, every step of the way You have so directed Your servant though he falls 7 times he shall rise and not be cast down. 

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