Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The 17th Time

I have moved from one place to another for 16 times since I gave up my legal practice and entered into full time ministry. I shall be moving again in 3 months' time. It is not the first time staying at the Seminary as I stayed there for 2 years when I was completing my PhD thesis. But this time it is different. I am entering on my own terms and what I can offer to the College and I am glad that the College's management saw the potential and gifts in me.

I am not a newbie nor one in their early forties. I am into my late 50s; for me it is the height of my power and ability having published 4 books in less than 4 years. Now I am ready to teach and ready to move. The passage that has become my motto is "foxes have holes and birds have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." When I moved for the first time in early 2001 I stayed in my brother's house for 1 whole month and he is the brother who later loaned me money to buy a house. In early 2001 I have no house and no car. We walked to church from Signal Hill about 30 mins on Sunday mornings. My son went to the Sunday school there and it was only on the occasional Sunday that we borrowed the College's van and attended my homechurch which is about 10 kms from the College. Now I am ready to move again for the 17th time since 1993, some thirty years ago.

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