Friday, March 25, 2016

Anatole & Proiinos

The Messiah is called anatole in Zechariah 3 LXX instead of the branch in MT. Anatole means rising (Sun) or the East in the sense that the sun rises early in the east while proiinos means early (morning) and Jesus is called the bright and morning star in Rev 22,16, the final of many titles for Jesus in the book of Revelation.
Jesus is the branch or rising star from the East and shines brightly into the world. During Passover as we remember Christ's death we also remember his rising from the dead in the early hours of the morning of the third day, the first day of the week. He is indeed the bright and morning star, rising from the East, shining from East to West the light of His gospel. Now he who rises early will see the morning light and reflect the glory that comes only from the sun of righteousness.

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