Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Ministry

The first part of my Christmas ministry has ended yesterday on Christmas Day. We drove back from Ranau from 12.30pm and reached KK just before 3pm. We spent three days and two nights with three Christmas services and it was pretty well spaced put despite the early morning start yesterday after a Christmas Eve service. We managed to get all meeting ended within 2 hours with a couple of songs and dance by various ministry units. I told a joke that other churches may have a 10-minute homily but in our church we are used to have one hour long sermon. But I preached all three messages within 45 minutes and yesterday I felt the anointing the strongest when I was fairly fatigued preaching three days in a row. It was a powerful message on the first night and on Christmas Day.

We had on average 200 adults present in my former Ranau church and yesterday there were rows of chairs placed on both sides of the corridor so I thought the crowds must be about 250 people. For my final sermon I preached from Isaiah 66:3 “to whom shall the Lord look upon?” To one who is humble and of contrite spirit and who trembles at my Word” saith the Lord. I shared how we should fear the Lord and respect His Word and serious of reading and studying it. I shared how the Bible came alive when I became a believer 40 years ago and that influenced me greatly how I see my ministry now as the ministry of the Spirit and the Spirit works through God’s Word. 

Then I preached on Mary’s praise when Elizabeth greeted her. First, when God does wonders for us, we respond in praise and adoration. Second, Mary said all generations will remember her from henceforth and I used that to speak about our legacy in the world and how we want to be remembered when we are deceased. Finally, that God is our helper, the Helper of Israel. I told them to keep faith to believe that with God nothing is impossible and we shall triumph in His Name despite suffering and persecution.

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