Tuesday, September 26, 2023

My Next Book could be on Leadership

I was driving back from home to my place of work in s rare excursion this noon and as I was driving and stuck in traffic jam I could reflect a best part of my ministry and what and which part of it bore much fruits or many fruits. What was the key and what was I doing then? It dawned on me that all the "successes" I could be proud of was due to me holding a leadership position directly in charge of the ministry that bore the fruits thereof. Hence, the key to productivity or fruitfulness is leadership. I remember a former church member spoke to me after a year I left my church in Ranau and she told me that I brought much welcome change during my one-year stint as pastor.

I remember the good old days that within 6 months just after the Ranau earthquake, the church I led would be the biggest in terms of Sunday attendance between 350-400 adults in two Sunday services. No church in Ranau within my denomination came close to such numbers. I also remembered one rather insignificant leadership post I held as the chairman of the pastors' leadership and how within that one year we had four or five gatherings the highlight of which was the all-night prayer we organised attended by 334 people. The lack of fruitfulness is those times when there was someone above me whether at College or even in church when an elder held the chairman's post. 

It is biblical anyway because the Scripture says that the anointing oil flows from the head of Aaron to his neck and down to his feet. Thus the anointing flows from top to bottom. It is not the other way round, but it depends on the leaders. I preached on the verse about becoming fishers of men where the disciples were called to follow Jesus and that Jesus would make them fish for people. The net was filled with fish, not just a few fish but lots until the nets were about to break and the boat about to sink. When Peter preached, 3,000 were converted. The church grew leaps and bounds due to apostolic leadership. Now so-called leaders give all kinds of excuses when the church or Seminary is not growing. Perhaps a change of leadership might help as new wine is poured out into new wineskins. 

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