Monday, January 22, 2018

All Ready

After three days and three nights of relatively calm and peace in preparation, I am all ready for the book of Revelation starting tonight in less than 3 hours. I read many chapters of Revelation again and received blessing for reading as promised by John, the author of his Revelation. I have written an assortment of notes on chiasm, 7 churches, the two witnesses and Babylon and Rome. I have set a textbook written by an Indonesian professor since this course will be taught in Malay, second time I am doing so since 2004. My health is holding up though my voice might not last 30 hours but fingers crossed. I expect around 10 people coming just for this course so plus those enrolled for BTh since last year I should have about 30 students.
There are so many things to say about the book of Revelation but I have about 25 hours to give due justice to the book. The book of Revelation is the book of books just as Song of Solomon is the song of songs. Revelation refers to at least 29 out of 39 OT books, so it is a summary of OT theology in the light of Christ and His coming Kingdom. Not a few NT books are also alluded to as Revelation was written last about a generation later after the early letters of Paul and at leaSt 20 or 30 years after the first three gospels. It will be fun as learners will have to come ready to receive revelation. The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him (Psalm 25). And the Lord will not do anything unless He has revealed his secret to his servants the prophets (Amos 3)

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