Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Sun Set, What a Beautiful Name

A man goes out in the morning to work and return in the evening (Psalm 104). Now that the Sun is setting I can write about my 14-hour long day. As usual the journey back to Namaus was exhausting and coupled by the fact I lectured straightway for 3 hours upon arrival multiplied the tiredness factor. It was good to get some rest in the afternoon before starting to prepare for my Sunday sermon at Chapel. I am asking my students to sing a song named, "What a Beautiful Name" surprisingly won a Grammy for the Kiwi born singer and another songwriter.  I was singing the song several times over today while making my way up the mountains and down the valleys. What a beautiful name. What a wonderful name. What a powerful Name.
Why am I doing what I am doing? Jesus could say I come in my Father's Name but no one received him. I can say I come in Jesus' Name but is there anyone receptive to His Word? What a beautiful Name. I am filled with wonder whenever I think of the Lord Jesus, his supremacy and His preeminence. I can only bask in his glory and be filled with wonder at His wonderful name. What a powerful name. With church politics swirling around like sharks hunting their prey I had to escape to Ranau town this evening to find peace and per chance hear what the Lord has to say for His people this Sunday. I am amazed by his powerful name. People may make you feel down and do not appreciate what you are doing. Even the Son of God who came in His Father's Name got rejected despite his mighty works. But God's name is powerful.  He is who He is - the I am. I will be who I will be. If only He speaks and acts things happen. What a powerful name. I have experienced his salvation and deliverance time and time again. What a beautiful Name, the name of Jesus.

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