Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Songs of Deliverance

I must say that spiritual songs have kept me sane not in the Saulish sense but that in times of great pressures and hardships God has given me songs of deliverance to keep me on even keels and not slide off into depression or destruction. There are times that the whole mind and body tell you just quit and find something more bearable and where you find acceptance. In this second half of my life I am determined to hear the still small voice and obey what the Spirit says even in barren and rocky places and in the wilderness until the Spirit is poured out on us.
The parting gift in June 2016 when my future was up in balance my students gave me a poem written writ large “Don’t Quit”. Just one more step and one more hurdle you may reach the top if you just stick with it and don’t quit. A leader is one who sees the problems and underlying roots that cause the problems and finds solutions to resolve the problem once and for all. He is not content with superficial changes for change’s sake but brings substantial improvement in the lives of those he leads. There is too much talk but little action. There are many activities but little vision for when there is no vision the people dwell aimlessly and stay haggard. Tomorrow we will start a new theme for a new month and it is on Nehemiah’s vision of bringing restoration to Jerusalem not just rebuilding the wall surrounding the city which one could say that is the easy part though miraculous nonetheless as it was completed in 52 days but more so restoring the people’s faith in their God that God is indeed God and He can and He will deliver His people and make them a people of worship.

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