Sunday, October 30, 2022

Preaching Aftermath (A hypocrite to be king)

I think it must be the rain. It rained all night and kept me up from time to time. By the time I got up it was 3.40am and I thought I should not go back to sleep because I was due to preach this morning at Sunday service. I did not read my notes until 6.30am as I spent two hours reading my manuscript on Galatians. There is still a bit of tidying up to do before I am happy with it. As the service only starts at 10am I did not feel I needed to rush but still gave it another two hours plus in final meditations and worship before the Lord.

I was borne on the wings of the Spirit as I spoke for 45 minutes without breaking sweat and without looking at my watch once. I had seven slides in all on one verse Job 34:30 “the godless should not reign lest he ensnared the people.” The word “godless” is chaneph in the Hebrew and I used two other verses to explain the word in Jeremiah 23:11 and Daniel 11:32. 

As it was Election time both for the country and the church a few days following the GE15th. I told the congregation that I was more concerned about the church’s election of leaders. Jeremiah 23:11 said that “both prophets and priests I have found their wickedness in my House, saith the Lord” and the Septuaginta translation of Job 34:30 has “he should make a hypocritical person a king due to the people’s discontent. The greek word for discontent is an interesting word, as if the people are restless, lack direction, and they will choose the wrong person to be king, a hypocrite or as in the Hebrew, a godless man. Yes there are many godless men becoming church leaders; they want power and honour from men but they are not God’s servants.

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