Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Mother's Day & Fathers of Old

I got a surprise when I read an email from Apple about buying gifts for Mother's Day. Has it been a year? I re-started my itinerant preaching ministry on Mother's Day last year in Ranau and surely now a year has gone past like it was yesterday. No wonder this morning I prayed to the Lord to make my life count and truly one single person is enough to make a difference in this world. If only we pay attention to the Bible, which is basically God's works through individuals whom He chose and still chooses today to make a difference in his created world. From Noah and Abraham and his descendants, to the first apostles of Jesus Christ, to Paul, the apostle, born out of time, and all his associates who made a difference in the landscape of Middle East and Europe in the first century. "Lord, fulfil Your purpose in my life, O God".

Although, I am pretty sure that I would stay on in Sabah for a little while yet, I am at a cross-roads in my ministry. It will be the first time that I have new "employers" in Sabah. Before this, it is always my home denomination, birthed out of our pioneer organisation, Borneo Evangelical Mission, almost 100 years ago. Now I am out of it but perhaps with just a foothold or a toehold inside. I have lived with this dialectic all my life - as an insider and outsider. Even in Singapore, I was just an outsider though I was granted Singapore Permanent Residence which many sought but could not obtain. Yet I have it given up to return to Sabah, to the land of my birth, just as God commanded Jacob to return to his land of birth after his sojourn in Midian. So I am still in Sabah. I don't know for how long. It could be my last significant posting if I stay long enough. I could stay until I retire but I should not say it since my life has been like a wanderer, like my fathers of old recorded in the Bible. 

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