Sunday, April 2, 2023

Reception of the Prophet Samuel

The elders of Bethlehem came and received the prophet Samuel with fear and trembling (1 Sam 16:4). I do not have such spiritual authority or charisma like Samuel but today almost all the elders of the church welcomed me as I entered the church unannounced and I quickly sat in the middle row but brought to the front. Just before the closing prayers I was asked if I wanted to offer a word or two and I went up to the pulpit and affirmed what I heard from the preaching today.

I shared how I led a bible study for the young teenage group of mostly Form 1 to Form 5 students for 17 months averaging 20 plus per attendance with 30plus when we met over Google Meet. It was intense and those who followed the course faithfully from start to finish will surely have benefited greatly. After the service, many people came up and greeted me and we chatted briefly in church. Then, two elders brought me all the way back to Kota Belud for lunch as the church was probably “fasting” on Palm Sunday though it was not mentioned in church. I pray that the pastor and elders who are entrusted with the ministry of the Word will seek God’s will for the church, to feed the flock with the finest wheat from His Word. For that to happen pastors and elders need to delve deeper into the truth of God’s Word and there are still many treasures to be mined.

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