Sunday, October 14, 2018

Travelling, Ministry & Honorarium

It is almost 3pm as I sat down, arriving at my Homebase Kota Kinabalu. I have been on the road since 10am last Friday. This long weekend has been epic in miles covered and distance travelled and I have travelled from middle earth to the south right to the border of Kalimantan, Indonesia back to Keningau and through the Misty Crocker Range and thunderstorms in Papar - somewhat I have made back safely in KK.   I spent close to 8 hours in the car for about three hours on the podium. Two and a half hours in Kemabong and today preaching for 50mins. For all my exertions I received RM500.00 altogether from two places. I spent RM272.00 on two night hotel accommodation and I stopped three times to fill up my tank RM70 every time. Plus the five or six times I dined on my own I easily spent more than RM500.00. So this trip is a loss if money is a concern.
But thanks to be God more than 150 leaders and future leaders heard me speak on several important matters and today more than 100 people turned up for church. If living by the gospel means by travelling to minister one can meet one’s ends, then it is not possible. Even my salary remains stagnant for 3 years and only once received an increment. I would imagine anyone in my position and the type of ministry has to live by faith. It is the loving support from friends local and overseas that I could do what I do. Three weeks ago I also paid for two nights hotel accommodation from my own pocket. The RM200 for my preaching went to the home group fund which will be used for our farewell in a fortnight’s time. In many ways my ministry among my people in Sabah is a write off in terms of monetary rewards. But we look towards our heavenly rewards as God said to Abraham “I am your exceeding reward”.

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